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South Coast Dentistry


Phone (949) 274-9086
Address 5 Journey Suite 250,
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 United States


At the South Coast Dentistry facility, we always act in the best interest of our patients. From our welcoming and relaxing office to our helpful and friendly staff to our continuous technological updates. Our primary concern is your care and comfort.

We believe in caring for our patients as we would like our family members to be treated. This level of care comes from a dental team focused on minor details and committed to making every appointment a success.

When visiting a dentist, you may feel nervous and uneasy. Your visit to South Coast Dentistry will reveal that we use state-of-the-art technology, provide a wide range of dental services, and that, irrespective of your needs, our professionals will work with you to achieve the ideal results possible to enhance your life and improve your smile.

Keywords: dentistry at Aliso Viejo CA., Teeth whitening at Aliso Viejo CA., Deep cleaning and teeth cleaning at Aliso Viejo CA., Implants at Aliso Viejo CA., Cosmetic dentistry at Aliso Viejo CA., Veneers at Aliso Viejo CA., Invisalign at Aliso Viejo CA., Endodontic treatment at Aliso Viejo CA., Dentures at Aliso Viejo CA., Emergency Dentistry at Aliso Viejo CA., Root canal therapy at Aliso Viejo CA., General Dentistry at Aliso Viejo CA., Teeth extractions at Aliso Viejo CA.

Hour: Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm

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