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Quality Roots Cannabis Dispensary - Monroe


Phone (734) 244-0200
Address 1121 S Monroe St,
Monroe, MI 48161 United States


Welcome to the Quality Roots Monroe dispensary! You can find us situated at 1121 S Monroe St, just off South Dixie Hwy, nestled in the center of Monroe, MI. Our collection encompasses a wide array of cannabis offerings, spanning from blossoms, pre-rolls, and delectable edibles to concentrates, vapes, tinctures, topicals, and an assortment of CBD products. Our dedicated and well-informed team is on hand to assist you in discovering the ideal item! Furthermore, we provide the convenience of both in-store shopping and pickup alternatives, accessible every day between 9 am and 10 pm. Be sure to watch for our frequent premier cannabis deals and special offers that enrich your shopping endeavor. We extend a warm invitation to explore our Quality Roots dispensary in Monroe for unparalleled cannabis excellence. We eagerly await your visit!

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