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Sorrentos Food and Spirits


Phone (810) 659-4351
Fax (810) 659-7161 - Fax
Address G6395 W Pierson Rd,
Flushing, MI 48433 United States


Sorrentos Food and Spirits is a premier supplier of caterering service in Michigan. Visit us at our location in Flushing or call us at (810) 659-4351.

Reviews for Sorrentos Food and Spirits

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Sorrentos Food and Spirits

    Posted On:

    “I have gone to Sorrentos for a few years and watched them grow. They are friendly, very clean, good atmosphere, and the food is AWESOME! I sometimes take the dessert to Sterling Heights where I work 1hr away just to mess with co-workers. I also use it as an incentive for my employees to work harder. Thank you for having good food, and nice people.”

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